S-Words On The Road
By: Blue Rose
- 50th Article -
By: Blue Rose
- 50th Article -
We here at S-Words just want to say thank you to all our fans out there for supporting us as your one-stop-shop for entertainment and political news. We've really enjoyed writing for you guys, and look forward to some very exciting things in the future.
Don't worry, we're not adding a third author. That's just a friend.
- The Trip -
In honor of Reach For The Sky's birthday, the S-Words staff decided to hop in the SUV, and make our way to Little Rock, Arkansas to see one of our favorite stand-up comedians, Gabriel Iglesias.
For those of you who aren't aware of Iglesias, he is an up-and-coming comic in the stand-up world, and is the author of two Comedy Central specials entitled "Hot and Fluffy", and "I'm Not Fat, I'm Fluffy".
- The Peabody -
Our excursion to the bustling city of Little Rock started with a check-in at one of the finest hotels we here at S-Words have ever shad the pleasure of staying in, "The Peabody".
The hotel featured a live duck pond, an extravagant Italian steak house, and a 3 bedroom suite that made for a perfect central-command for the S-Words writing staff.
- The Show -
After a great dinner, and a quick trip to will call, we were seated in the convention center waiting for our entertainment to begin.
- Martin Moreno -
The first comedian, Martin Moreno, was entertaining enough. His comedy entails mostly racial commentary, and stories of him and his friends getting wasted.
Almost all the way through Martin's act, something magical happened...
- Shaun Latham -
Instant seat upgrade to the front row for the s-words posse!
The second comedian, Shaun Latham, was a definite improvement from Martin. His comedy, slightly more sophisticated, centered around his experiences and struggles trying to pick-up women, as apparent by his catch-phrase, "That's Player S***". Despite his slightly abrasive nature, Latham pretty much mopped the stage with Moreno.
- Alfred Robles -
As Latham exited the stage, Alfred Robles entered. Honestly, I don't remember much of what he said. His comedy was somewhat forgettable, but from what I remember, it entailed more of the same alcoholic humor.
- Noe Gonzales -
Then came the last, and arguably the best of the warm-up comics, Noe Gonzales. The obligatory short-man, Gonzales' portion was a much more physically-centered comedy. To illustrate his points, Noe constantly traveled around the stage, flailing around his comical hand-gestures to entertain the crowd. Gonzales was the perfect hype-man for Iglesias to follow, but something interrupted the normal flow of these kind of shows.
- The Swaggar Push -
Gonzales stayed on the stage as Martin Moreno reappeared. What followed was a 20minute segment, in which the two pushed every piece of merchandise sold at the event. The lights were raised so we could see the products, and the two babbled on about "this product" and "that tee-shirt" ad nauseam.
- Gabriel Iglesias -
After that painful encounter, the moment we had been waiting for arrived. The crowd could not be calmed as Iglesias took the stage, and began his amazing act. His comedy ranged from hilarious commentary on society, to an amazing command of vocal sound-effects, and just a few impressions mixed in for flavor.
As if his normal act wasn't enough, Iglesias, at the end of his act, started interacting with the crowd. About 13 Minutes after his act was over, Gabriel informed the crowd he was over time, but that he was "having a good time" and didn't want to leave. As he asked the crowd if they wanted him to continue, there was an uproar so loud, it would've taken at least 600 Spartans to rival.
Iglesias did everything from improving about the theatre, the town, even random comments from the crowd, to old material via request by the crowd.
Iglesias more than exceeded expectations, and was definitely worth the trek. From his command of almost every aspect of stand-up comedy, to his friendly, laid-back relationship with the crowd, Iglesias provided a great entertainment for us, and a fantastic way to celebrate both Reach's birthday, and 50 articles here at S-Words.
Reminding you to always find your voice,
- Blue Rose
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