My Day
By: Blue Rose
By: Blue Rose
My day was alright. I woke up, ate some cookie crisp, and watched some Mid-day T.V. Sit Coms. As i sat in my plaid PJs, Laptop on my legs engaged in a social networking site, I began to think about something. That something made me think about something else, then something else, then something else yet again.
Now, I'm sure you dedicated fans are thinking Oh my gosh Rose, are you REALLY going to bore us by becoming one of those blogs that is just a bunch of personal posts?
The Answer is, of course, no.
We will in fact be continuing with our weekly political update; I just chose to mirror the current political mentality I believe to be invading the global community these days. I call it:

Recently the United States and Russia signed a treaty slightly limiting the nuclear arms each nation would hold. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for de-escalation of violence, but my question is, Why Now?
We haven't really had serious discussion on nuclear arms limitation with Russia in nearly two decades, and we definitely have some pretty big things going on politically over here*, so why are we suddenly hopping on a flight to Prague? I mean, did we honestly change anything? Both countries still posses significant firepower sufficient enough to destroy the world, so why?
The only conclusion I can draw; the only prognosis I can offer-up; is LOH Syndrome.
Like many other major diseases, no one is quite sure where LOHS finds its origins, but the most likely definition entails a story of a man going on a trip to Africa, and getting a little too friendly with some of the natural wildlife. **
Usually the sufferers of LOHS fall into three career paths. They either use their powers for good, and become entertainers like magicians who are trained in slight-of -hand, use their power for evil, and become thieves and robbers who prey on people's ignorance through distraction, or use their powers for SUPER evil, and become politicians.
Politicians, usually the most ambitious of the three categories, are definitely the most dangerous. Smart***, witty, and gifted in persuasion, these LOHS abusers are masters at distracting you from the actual problem through a massive cornucopia of methods including rhetoric, PR stunts, deceptive foolishness, and long-winded, random speeches about all the "great things" they're doing.
Now, I'm not accusing President Obama of abusing LOHS, (yes I am) but you have to admit it is a little strange that he would be expending so much energy and time on something that could easily be put-off while he is dealing with so much political Crisis back home.
- Blue Rose
* Like the bill revoking Justin Bieber's Y chromosome
** Or am I confusing that with something else?
*** .....it's too easy of a joke, I'll just let you fill in the blank
Reach's Note: "Hey look over here at the Tea Party!" seems to be a very popular symptom these days.
Whole-heartedly agreed, and Thumbs-up'ed. BOY SURE GLAD WE GAVE OBAMA THE NOBEL PRIZE, SYKE!