Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Kumar Leaves White Castle?

Kumar Leaves White Castle?
By: Blue Rose

When I first saw actor Kall Penn join the cast of "House" I secretly thought to myself, "How seriously does this guy take himself? I mean he was Kumar for heaven's sake." And then, my jaw dropped in shock when I first heard he'd be leaving his acting career to take a job in President Obama's administration.

From from "Van Wilder", to "Malibu's Most Wanted", to the ever-awe-inspiring "Harold and Kumar" series, Penn has played literally every role I never want my children seeing.

Luckily, Jon Cho, who recently played Hikaru Sulu in "Star Trek" will also be returning as "Harold".

With the two much much more famous stars returning for the sequel, maybe the movie won't be so bad because....hahahahaha

Sorry, I couldn't even finish that sentence without laughing.

I mean come on, really? The "Harold and Kumar" horse isn't dead yet? I thought they were moving on to "More serious" acting projects. Penn has been in both the hit TV show "House" and the hit presidential palace "The White House" since his last Kumar movie. Isn't this level of humor supposed to be bellow him at this point?

And how is it going to look for the 2012 Star Trek Sequel* for one of their main stars to de-evolve back to his pot-smoking movie days? I don't know how anyone is going to take Sulu seriously when they imagine him as his evil, slightly mentally challenged counter-part "Harold".

So, the only conclusion I have left is that this movie will likely be the worst film ever created**, and likely be so awful it bleeds into all other cinematic productions even slightly involving the actors who cursed themselves by signing the contract, and allowing this abomination of American film production.

Reminding you to always find your voice,

- Blue Rose

*Assuming Armageddon doesn't interrupt it
**Except "New Moon", that "movie" is so awful it doesn't even get counted in this category.

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