The World's Most Ultimate Nap
By: Blue Rose
By: Blue Rose
Today I did one of the most stupid things I've ever done.
I had a pretty long day at school, and after getting home around 5:15, I was knocked-out asleep before 5:30.
So, time flies by me without my knowledge, and when I woke-up, I had this sinking feeling that I had wasted so much time, that I had missed out on something.
I started to wonder, what did I actually miss?*
I scoured the internet looking for facts, news, and statistics, and the information was staggering.
I was a sleep for roughly 330 minutes. In that time, 1320 people died from AIDS, nearly $9 billion was spent on cosmetics, and nearly $4 billion was spent on Alcoholic drinks. 1
I mean, STDS, Alcohol, and literally TONS of make-up? What was the world doing while i slept? Clearly not tuning-in to the PBS tele-thon. What I can only assume is while I was asleep, The World decided to throw a massive party and not invite me.
The only problem is, I can't think of why The World wouldn't want to invite me. I mean, I like to think we have an O.K. relationship; I'm plugged-in the all the social networking sites, I see all the latest news and celeb gossip, and I like to think i contribute at least a little something to the internet with my blog**
I mean, maybe The World just lost my phone number? I'm not sure, but I was clearly left out of a party so intense, it made "The Hangover" look like your second cousins 4th birthday party.
I may have missed the party, but I'm assuming considering the volume of money spent*** (and STDS acquired for that matter) that surely some of our readers made the guest list? and I'd love to hear some stories of what it was like****, but for now I'm going to be to busy watching late night Sit-Com reruns because I, like an idiot, took the world's most ultimate nap.
Reminding you to always find your voice,
Blue Rose
P.S. whoever posts the most ridiculous "World Party" scenario gets an honorable mention in my next week's what you will internet.
* Other than some much needed studying for a Physics test
**Don't even start, just let me live my dream
*** Or maybe T-Pain showed up and just "Made it Rain"
**** Comment Section, prepare to be flooded with a vulgarity and insanity only the wrath of the internet can create
1 according to
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