Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Power of Words

By: Blue Rose

For the inaugural week of posting on our new blog, i couldn't help but feel a sort of "Pomp and circumstance" that really reminds me of why this nation is great. I was amazed to read in the news that china pulled avatar from its screens across the nation (slightly after it became the highest grossing film in the country's history) for fear of it causing "Political unrest". This really hit home for me as a writer, and rejuvenated my thankfulness that i have the ability to say whatever political messages i want, without the shroud of the fear of a government reading over my shoulder, waiting to pounce on me for daring to defy its motives. We live in the greatest age in human communication; an age in which anyone can share his or her thoughts and opinions freely through any number of mediums. So i hope that along this trip through your experience here, you will find both laughs, and passion; a kind of passion that calls up deep inside your soul feelings of revolution and ambition that you may have long forgotten. I hope that you will apply these feelings, and take the initiative to make a positive change for our ever increasing global community.
For now, every week you will find a post from me, on my independent column called "Pima Voce" or "First Voice". As to what specific content will be on there week to week I cannot make any promises, but what i can promise, is that i will try my hardest each and ever week to both entertain, and inspire you to remember that you must speak-up about what you feel, and that the people's voice, the common man's voice, is the check that keeps our nation in balence, and in justice. There is nothing more damaging to the betterment of our society than for you or I to choose to take a quiet seat in the back where no one can hear us speak-up.

Reminding you to find your voice
- Blue Rose

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