Thursday, March 25, 2010

Breaking Health Care News

By Reach For The Sky

A story that will forever shatter the world of health care. It will forever change the lives of millions. The United States, in my opinion, will never recover from this crippling blow. I'm speaking of course, of the insider trading going on in the health care industry. Never again can we tru-

What? You're saying that their is some other health care story that's more pressing than white-collar crime? I honestly can't imagine what could possibly- well let's just see. Ah, the health care bill. I suppose that's a bit weighty. Thanks for the article, strange cloaked man in my room. You can put the knife away now.

So I've consulted the magical S-words Opinion Generating Machine™ and apparently this is bad. I can never understand this thing nowadays. Something about costing companies money in tax breaks? Could be broken I suppose. It doesn't seem to be factoring in the opinions of the 46.3 million uninsured Americans.

Also, the heated debate has turned to violence. Senators have been threatened. Windows have been broken. Expletives have been used. While it seems no one has been hurt,* the situation is escalating. It's good to know that both parties are making it absolutely clear that this whole situation is not good. You can't try to strong-arm the political system and expect anything less than a stern scolding from those affected.

Obama has dared republicans to oppose the bill in their respective platforms. Reports on whether this was accompanied by him sticking out his chest and repeating "what you gonna do, huh?" are unconfirmed, so I'm forced to come to the conclusion that he did.

On a lighter note, do you know how difficult it was to find a health care story that was not about the reform bill? I'll give you a hint, it was very difficult.

*physically, that is. Bad words can be corrosive to self-esteem.

Rose's note: By the way, did you know Parkland Hospital in Dallas (where they took Kennedy after he was shot) is a charity hospital, and therefore provides free care? The hospital was good enough for a President, yet there's no quality free health care? Hm....


  1. As a high level, health care industry insider, I can tell you this reform bill will negatively alter health care in ways unimaginable to most people. Its devastating effect won't be apparent in the first few years but things will start falling apart soon after the gates are opened in 2014 to those previously unable or unwilling to obtain health insurance.

    At that point, health care rationing will commence and the quality of health care provided will diminish. There is no way you can dump 30 million newly insured patients into the system while at the same time reducing payments to providers and not have serious access problems. Two of the countries most frequently cited by health care reform proponents, Canada and the UK are experiencing ridiculous wait times for what used to be routinely available treatments. Even the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada recently came to the U.S. for heart valve replace rather then wait out the 6-8 month delay for the procedure in Canada.

    Of course, the devastating economic impacts of this legislation will arrive much sooner, but that is a different story for a different day,


    lol, I love pointing out typos. But good post. I think the new health care bill is bull, but oh well. Gogo America.

  3. I think the big problem with Obama's campaign is he makes these sweeping promises that aren't even remotely realistic. Of course it would fantastic if everyone had health care. Just like it would be wonderful for everyone to have a permanent, work-free salary for the rest of their lives. The money has to come from somewhere, and as usual it will be either milked from some tax that affects a minority group, or added to the national debt.

    this is an interesting article about the 46 million uninsured Americans.

  4. I hate paying taxes! But one of the things I am willing to pay for is helping those who truly need help. I do believe there are individuals who do not have a job or health care through no fault of their own and I am proud that I have some small part in improving that situation. My tax dollars go to places like Parkland in Dallas.

    That said, I personally know too many people, due to my humble beginnings, who just don't want to work. They work the system like this: They go get a job, work 6 months, fake an injury and stay on workers comp for 2 years then do it all over again. Then there is permanent not get me started. Again, truly, I want to help those who cannot help themselves. But we need to wake up and admit that we are helping those who won't help themselves! Oh yeah...this was supposed to be about health care.

    I am on the fence about healthcare. I am currently leaning toward the ideal that healthcare should be a right. Every moral fiber in my body tells me that this is common sense. But every civilized society that has tried this seems to be villifying us out of one side of their collective pie hole and then, if they have enough money, coming here for their personalized, advanced health care! So, even if it is the moral thing to do, what if it just does not work to do it that way? Do we do it that way anyway? Are we arrogant enough to think we are the ones that can make it work....with our track record? Can someone get George W. on the phone? Oh yeah....nevermind.
