Hello there Internet, oh how I've missed you.
For those of you who don't know, I've been in the midst of a move for the past few weeks, and thus have not been able to post for far too long.
But, because I love you all so much, I have snuck on to a remote terminal about 30 minutes before work just to update for our faithful readers out there.
Wanna know something insanely creepy?
The average Myspace user is 31 years old.
That's right, when you were 14 and posting pictures of yourself in a bikini on your Myspace because "it was cute", you know who was looking at it? Greasy 31-year-old men.
Now, before you use this to justify why Facebook has pretty much eaten-up Myspace like Kirstie Alley has pretty much eaten-up...well....everything, the average Facebook user is 38.
Shocking right? It seems increasingly more these days that social networking sites (for the most part) are heavily aimed at the young, teenage audience.
From FarmVille, to MafiaWars, Facebook shoves a proverbial smear of stupid time-killing applications down your throat until you are forced to succumb (unless you have an IQ higher than 60). At first glance it seems like all these bells and whistles would be reason for the majority of subscribers to be teens and young adults, but that just isn't the case.
A few weeks ago I wrote an article entitled "Zombie Networking", about the current state of social networking online. This article put forth a call to the webmasters of the world to create a social networking site for the adults of the business world. And, with LinkedIn nipping at the heels of Facebook (place your bets now), I don't think the stage has ever been more set for a company like Microsoft, Apple, or Google* to thrust some high-budget social networking site onto the scene.
Please bear with us for the next couple of weeks, as I currently don't have internet at my house to be able to post articles. We'll likely be running off a pretty, let's say "Free-flowing" update schedule for the next few weeks.
Reminding you to always find your voice,
-Blue Rose
Reach's note: The best part about this is that in order to maintain that 38 year average, there was at least one greasy 52-year-old for you and every one of your scantily-clad 14-year-old friends.