So, a while ago I made some predictions about The Old Republic, or more specifically, predictions of it's inability to live up to the previous titles of the series. One of the complaints was that the world would have to be static due to the fact that it's an MMO, and in order to make a point I took a potshot at the then-upcoming World of Warcraft expansion Cataclysm.
"Once it's turned on, World of Warcraft will be altered, and then go unchanged again. Congratulations, for the first time in ten years, the Warcraft storyline has advanced."
Oh burn! That'll teach em to push past the status quo. too bad I was wrong about everything.
It's true that the actual world was only physically altered once, but the state of affairs of each zone is far from set in stone. With WoW's new phasing technology, things will change depending on how far you are from an area's main story. Battles will begin and end. Characters will die, never to be seen again. It isn't a perfect system, and it isn't even applied to all cases, (bosses of dungeons will be kicking around again five minutes after they've tasted your steel) but Blizzard deserves an apology for my gun-jumping. I'm sure they were emotionally scarred by my words.
I still stand by my predictions about The Old Republic. In fact, once I'm done writing this, I'm going to get started on another list of preemptive grievances against the game. But in the mean-time, I'm sorry Blizzard, I should have trusted your dedication to innovation. But hey, we all make mistakes right.
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